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4rt. Solidarity Meal “Les Meduses” 2022

Fourth solidarity meal of “Raconets Suma” to help “Les Meduses a Thionck Essyl“. This year we will have the same format as last year: a single meal at the “Vulcano” restaurant in Sant Cugat del Vallés.

Row zero (to collaborate without attending) is a voluntary contribution to the Les Meduses account: ES19 0182 5326 0002 0695 1537.

The restaurant “Vulcano” will give Les Meduses €10 per meal (€5 will be assumed by the client and €5 will be assumed by the restaurant). The price of the menu already includes everything.

The reservation will be made exclusively by bank transfer directly to the restaurant “Vulcano” (ES87 0049 1911 79 2610150282) always specifying the name and the number of persons. It is necessary to make the global transfer by table indicating the name of the table.

When: saturday 05th of November… one month before “Les Meduses” expedition go there.

Vulcano Restaurant (Sant Cugat – Barcelona): 

  • Menu: 45€
    • To share:
      • Ham montadito
      • Pekin duck croquette
      • Foie micuit with violet jam
      • Tuna tataki with vegetables wok
      • Mild curried no-work chicken wings
    • Deserts:
      • Cheese plate
      • Pineapple carpaccio with coconut ice cream
    • Coffees/infusions, house wine and water.

“Les Meduses” son una cooperación sanitaria, sin ánimo de lucro, donde el objetivo principal es crear una asociación en auxilio para los que están más lejos de los recursos sanitarios básicos. Un par de veces al año marchan a Thionck Essyl (Senegal) a hacer un trabajo indescriptible. Me alucina ver que este tipo de gente, aunque cueste creerlo, existe.

“Les Meduses” is a non-profit health cooperation, where the main objective is to create an association to help those who are furthest from basic health resources. A couple of times a year they go to Thionck Essyl (Senegal) to do indescribable work. It amazes me to see that this type of people, although it is hard to believe, exists.

“Gent petita fent petites coses pot arribar a crear un món millor”.

“We rise by lifting others” (Robert Ingersoll)

They are small and few. I want to help them. You do not?

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